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Sharing Your Custom PSScriptAnalyzer Rules
·465 words·3 mins
DevEx PowerShell Linting
Learn how using a simple “proxy” module, will allow you to use custom PSScriptAnalyzer rules in all your repositories!
Taming My ADHD with Obsidian and PowerShell
·1352 words·7 mins
PowerShell PKM
Alleviating my ADHD headaches with Obsidian. Periodic Notes and Templater extensions save the day by reminding me of the next step towards my larger goals.


PowerShell Chef Cookbook
·442 words·3 mins
Chef PowerShell Enterprise
A very brief intro into how you can use Meta’s Chef cookbook to manage PowerShell.
My Shell: PowerShell
·1084 words·6 mins
In this third post of the series I go over my PowerShell profile.
My Terminal: WezTerm
·903 words·5 mins
PowerShell WezTerm
In this second post of the series I go over my WezTerm config an explain each of my settings and some lessons learned.
Terminals, Shells, and Prompts
·627 words·3 mins
PowerShell WezTerm ITerm
Part one of brief walk through on how terminals, shells, and prompts interact. In later posts I will go over my particular settings, but this lays the foundation.
Efficient Disasters: Remove-Item In the Pipeline
·1171 words·6 mins
PowerShell Chocolatey
I walk through my most painful mistake of 2022. Using Remove-Item in a Pipeline can be efficient, but it can also be a disaster.
Force Reinstalling Many Choco Packages
·565 words·3 mins
Chocolatey PowerShell
A quick walk through and script on force reinstalling Chocolatey apps.
Using Stucco to Create Your PowerShell Module
·1665 words·8 mins
PowerShell Stucco TDD VSCode GitHub
Learn why Stucco is such a powerfull module template. Includes a walk through from creating a module to publishing to the PowerShell Gallery!


Add an Icon to Your PowerShell Module
·592 words·3 mins
PowerShell GitHub
Learn how to add icons to your PowerShell module.