Auditors are sticklers (as they’re meant to be). They, like many of us in the IT world, want clean data. So what happens when you grant a user unix access via AD but don’t clean it up?
A disabled AD account with unix access cannot login, but would still show up in our reports. This made for a lot of questions from auditors which equals sad sysadmins.
I decided to solve this using by using our AD groups. As part of our term process we remove the termed employee from any group they were a part of (distribution and security). So, for us, the source of truth was AD.
- Powershell
- Quest Powershell Modules
- Scheduling mechanism (Task, etc.)
Complete Code#
$groups = Get-QADGroup -SearchRoot ""
foreach ($group in $groups) {
# Get Members
$members = Get-QADGroupMember $group -Type 'user' -Indirect
# Check if no members
if($members.Count -gt 0) {
# Blank arrays
[array]$dn = @()
[array]$sam = @()
# Loop through each
foreach ($member in $members) {
$user = Get-QADUser $member -IncludedProperties uidNumber
# Add unix attributes if missing.
if (!$user.uidNumber) {
$ypDomain = Get-QADObject -Identity "cn=company,cn=ypservers,cn=ypserv30,cn=RpcServices,cn=system,dc=company,dc=com" -IncludedProperties msSFU30MaxUidNumber
$uid = $ypDomain.msSFU30MaxUidNumber
$maxUidNumber = $uid + 1
Set-QADUser -Identity $user -ObjectAttributes @{
# Update upDomain
$ypDomain | Set-QADObject -objectAttributes @{msSFU30MaxUidNumber = $maxUidNumber}
# Add to array of users
$sam += $user.SamAccountName
$dn += $user.DN
# Add to group unix attributes
Set-QADGroup $group -ObjectAttributes @{msSFU30PosixMember=$DN;memberUid=$sam}
At some point I’ll rewrite this to not use the Quest modules because less dependancies are better.